A letter to my son

Little adventurer, happy birthday

As you begin another year of your life, I remember how curious, flexible, and curious you have always been. As you navigate the wild jungle of adolescence, I want to share some insights that lie at the heart of the human experience—the four principles of human existence.

The first principle is the essence of being human – the freedom to choose our path. This freedom is both liberating and scary, but it makes us unique. It is your choice to immerse yourself in life experiences, learn from your mistakes, and shape your destiny.

My son, with freedom comes responsibility. Every decision and every action has its consequences. We are responsible for our words, actions, and ultimately our happiness. Remember that you have the power to change your life and the lives of others. Accept that responsibility with courage and honesty.

My dear, life is not a random series of events; The masterpiece is woven with meaning. We create meaning through our experiences, connections, and contributions to the world. By exploring your passion, values, and purpose, you will find the unique meaning that shapes your being.

My hero, the transience of life is a stark reminder of our precious time. Although this may sound scary, it also acts as a catalyst for living fully and authentically. Embrace the moment, cherish the relationships that matter, and pursue your dreams with unrelenting passion.

Parsa, these four principles are philosophical reflections and the foundation of human experience. Accept them and begin your journey to self-discovery, purpose, and meaningful relationships.

Happy birthday my wonderful child. Shine your light on the world and never forget that you are wonderful.

With great love,
Your father and existential guide

Gambling Addiction from the Existential Perspective


Existential therapy, a branch of humanistic psychology, emphasizes the search for meaning and purpose in a person’s life. It focuses on the challenges of freedom, responsibility, isolation, and meaninglessness. From this perspective, gambling addiction can be seen as an attempt to cope with these existential anxieties and fill the void in a person’s life.

The Anxiety of Freedom and Responsibility

Gambling offers the illusion of control and predictability in a world that is often seen as unpredictable and uncontrollable. By placing bets and making predictions, people may experience a temporary sense of mastery over their lives. This can be especially appealing for those who are struggling with feelings of helplessness and lack of control in other areas of their lives.

In existential therapy, the concept of “anxiety of freedom and responsibility” refers to the inherent fear that arises from awareness of one’s independence and the burden of choices that come with it. This anxiety arises from the realization that we are ultimately responsible for our lives, our actions, and the consequences thereof. This inherent freedom, while liberating, can be simultaneously overwhelming, as it confronts us with a range of possibilities and the difficult task of making meaningful decisions.

Existential therapists view this anxiety as a natural and inevitable aspect of human existence. It is not a sign of illness but rather a reflection of the human condition, a constant reminder of our power to shape our lives. However, when this anxiety becomes excessive, it can lead to maladaptive behaviors such as avoidance, escape, or addiction.

In the context of gambling addiction, anxiety about freedom and responsibility can manifest in several ways. For example, people may turn to gambling to escape from feeling overwhelmed by their choices and the burden of responsibility. The excitement of gambling, the momentary rush of excitement from winning, and the illusion of control can provide temporary relief from these anxieties. However, this escape is short-lived and destructive, as it reinforces the underlying anxiety and impedes the person’s ability to make responsible decisions.

Existential therapists address the anxiety of freedom and responsibility by helping people develop a sense of self-acceptance and authenticity. This includes embracing the inherent anxiety of choice and responsibility while also becoming aware of the capacity for growth and personal transformation. Therapists encourage clients to engage in self-exploration, exploration of values, and making decisions that are aligned with their authentic selves.

By helping people confront their anxiety and accept their freedom, existential therapists empower them to take responsibility for their lives and make decisions that lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.

Existential Isolation and Loneliness

Gambling can provide a temporary sense of belonging and connection for people who are feeling lonely or isolated, especially for those who do not have strong social networks. The exciting and supportive atmosphere in casinos, online betting forums, or social gambling groups can be appealing for people who lack strong social support. However, this false sense of belonging can ultimately exacerbate feelings of loneliness and isolation after the gambling activity is over.

Existential isolation refers to the inherent aloneness of human existence, the realization that each individual is ultimately alone in their experiences and interpretations of the world. This sense of loneliness arises from the fundamental reality that we cannot fully understand or share the experiences of others. Our subjective experiences are unique, and shaped by our individual perspectives, beliefs, and emotions.

Existential isolation, while a universal human experience, can be exacerbated when people feel disconnected from others or struggle to find meaning and purpose in their lives. This can lead to feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and a sense of being lost in the world.

Existential isolation can play a role in gambling addiction in a number of ways. Initially, gambling can serve as a way to cope with feelings of loneliness and isolation. People may turn to gambling to find a sense of belonging and acceptance. The exciting and supportive atmosphere in casinos, online betting forums, or social gambling groups can be appealing to people who lack strong social support. However, this false sense of belonging can ultimately exacerbate feelings of loneliness and isolation after the gambling activity is over.

On the other hand, gambling addiction can contribute to feelings of existential isolation. Gambling can alienate a person from others and the world around them. People who are addicted to gambling may spend a great deal of time gambling and withdraw from other activities that could connect them with others. This can lead to feelings of further isolation and disconnection.

Existential therapists address existential isolation in gambling addiction in some ways.

Creating a sense of belonging and acceptance in the therapeutic environment is one of these methods. Existential therapists strive to create a safe and supportive space where people who are addicted to gambling can experience a sense of belonging and acceptance. This can be done through group activities, individual conversations, or other methods.

Helping people to identify and develop meaningful relationships is another way that existential therapists help people to create meaningful relationships with

Embracing the Power of Indeterminate Subjective Truth: A Journey Beyond Objectivity

In a world that often prioritizes concrete and measurable things, there is a realm beyond facts and figures – the realm of indeterminate subjective truth. As an existentialist psychotherapist, I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and explore the profound significance of subjective truth. It holds a unique and superior power over its more concrete counterpart, objective truth.

Breaking Down the Binary:
Our society has long been obsessed with objective truth – the idea that there is an absolute reality, untouched by individual perspectives. While this approach provides stability and structure, it often overlooks the rich tapestry of our personal experiences. Indeterminate subjective truth challenges this binary opposition between objective and subjective, offering a more nuanced and holistic perspective.

The Subjectivity Paradox:
Existentialist psychotherapy recognizes the subjectivity paradox – the idea that our individual experiences, feelings, and perceptions hold a truth that is both unique and universally resonant. Objective truth seeks to establish a single, concrete reality, while indeterminate subjective truth embraces the idea that our truths can coexist in a tapestry of diverse perspectives, each contributing to the greater understanding of the human experience.

The Liberation of Personal Truth:
Indeterminate subjective truth’s inherent strength lies in its liberating quality. Acknowledging and embracing our personal truths allows us to break free from societal expectations and predefined norms. This liberation fosters authenticity and empowers us to live more fulfilling and genuine lives.

The Fluidity of Truth:
Unlike objective truth, which can be rigid and unyielding, indeterminate subjective truth thrives on its fluid nature. Our experiences, emotions, and perspectives are dynamic, evolving with time and circumstance. Recognizing the fluidity of our personal truths opens us up to growth, resilience, and a deeper connection with the ever-changing world around us.

Embracing the Journey:
In the pursuit of indeterminate subjective truth, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. This journey requires a willingness to explore the depths of our own consciousness, challenge preconceived notions, and cultivate a genuine connection with our authentic selves. Through this introspective journey, we uncover the profound beauty and importance of our indeterminate subjective truths.

In a world that craves certainty and clarity, embracing indeterminate subjective truth offers a refreshing perspective. Celebrating the uniqueness of our personal truths and recognizing their profound importance and superiority over the limitations of objective reality enriches our individual lives and contributes to the collective tapestry of human experience. The beauty lies in the diversity of our subjective truths.

Understanding the Israel-Hamas Conflict: An Existential Perspective on the Struggle for Peace

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has been raging for over a week, resulting in the death of hundreds of people and injuring thousands more. The situation has sparked widespread protests and condemnation across the world, with calls for a ceasefire and a peaceful resolution. But what are the root causes of this war, and how can we understand them from an existential perspective?

Existentialism is a philosophical movement that emerged in the 20th century, particularly after the horrors of World War II. It emphasizes the freedom and responsibility of human beings to create their own meaning and values in an absurd and indifferent world. Famous existentialists such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, and Martin Heidegger explored themes of anxiety, death, alienation, authenticity, and choice in their works.

One of the key concepts in existentialism is the notion of the “Other”. The Other is anything or anyone who is different from oneself, and who challenges one’s identity and worldview, thereby threatening one’s freedom and security. The Other can be a person, a group, a culture, a religion, or even an idea. The Other can also be a source of fascination, admiration, love, or respect. However, the Other can also provoke fear, hatred, violence, or oppression.

The war between Israel and Hamas can be seen as a manifestation of the existential conflict between two Others: the Israelis and the Palestinians. Both sides have their own histories, narratives, identities, values, and aspirations, and both have suffered from oppression, displacement, trauma, and injustice. Both sides have legitimate claims to the land, the resources, and sovereignty, and both have the right to exist and coexist.

However, both sides also perceive each other as existential threats to their very existence. Each side views the other as enemies, invaders, terrorists, or oppressors, and both sides resort to violence, aggression, retaliation, or self-defense. Each side justifies their actions by appealing to their moral principles, religious beliefs, or national interests. Both sides dehumanize each other by denying their humanity, dignity, or rights.

As an existential psychotherapist, I believe that the only way to end this war and achieve peace is to recognize and respect the Other as a fellow human being. This means acknowledging the complexity and diversity of the Other’s reality, understanding the reasons and emotions behind the Other’s behavior, empathizing with the suffering and needs of the Other, and communicating with the Other in an honest and respectful manner.

This also means taking responsibility for one’s own choices and actions, reflecting on one’s own biases and prejudices, questioning one’s own assumptions and values, and challenging one’s own fears and hatreds. This also means accepting one’s own vulnerability and mortality, facing one’s own anxiety and guilt, and embracing one’s own freedom and creativity.

The war between Israel and Hamas is not inevitable or necessary. It is not a result of fate or destiny, nor is it a consequence of God’s will or history’s logic. It is a product of human decisions and actions, a reflection of human freedom and responsibility, and an expression of human existence and meaning.

Therefore, it is up to us humans to change it. It is up to us to create a new reality and make peace possible.
(1) War and existentialism | Encore | thenews.com.pk. https://www.thenews.com.pk/tns/detail/561876-war-existentialism.
(2) Existentialism | Definition, History, Characteristics, Examples, Types …. https://www.britannica.com/topic/existentialism.
(3) Existential War – The Mackenzie Institute. https://mackenzieinstitute.com/2008/04/existential-war/.
(4) Existentialism – AllAboutPhilosophy.org. https://www.allaboutphilosophy.org/existentialism.htm.
(5) Existentialism and Classroom Practice – IOSR Journals. https://iosrjournals.org/iosr-jhss/papers/Vol8-issue6/N0868791.pdf.

The Art of Intentional Living: A Synthesis of Existential and Shaman Philosophy

Existential philosophy and shaman philosophy are two distinct ways of understanding the world and our place in it. Existential philosophy is a Western philosophy that emphasizes the individual’s freedom and responsibility to create meaning in their own lives. Shaman philosophy is a more ancient and holistic philosophy that sees the world as a web of interconnected relationships and believes in the power of altered states of consciousness to access hidden knowledge and healing.

A Synthesis of Existential and Shaman Philosophy

Despite their differences, existential philosophy, and shaman philosophy share some important things in common. Both philosophies emphasize the importance of living in the present moment and taking responsibility for one’s own life. Both philosophies also recognize the importance of connection to the natural world and to other living beings.

The art of intentional living is a new approach to psychotherapy and personal growth that combines the insights of existential and shaman philosophy. It is about creating a life that is aligned with your values and purpose, being present in the moment, and making choices that support your well-being and the well-being of others. It is also about connecting with the natural world and with the spirit world.

Here are some key principles of the art of intentional living:

  • Be present in the moment: Existential philosophy teaches us that the present moment is all that we have. Being present allows us to experience life fully and make conscious choices about how we want to live.
  • Take responsibility for your own life: Existential philosophy also teaches us that we are responsible for creating our meaning in life. This means making our own choices and living our lives according to our values.
  • Connect with the natural world: Shaman philosophy teaches us that we are all interconnected with the natural world. When we connect with nature, we can feel more grounded and centered.
  • Connect with the spirit world: Shaman philosophy also teaches us that there is a spirit world that exists alongside the physical world. When we connect with the spirit world, we can access hidden knowledge and healing.

The art of intentional living is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It is about finding what works best for you and your unique circumstances. However, if you are interested in creating a life that is more meaningful and fulfilling, here are some tips for getting started:

  • Set aside some time each day to reflect on your values and purpose.
  • Make choices that support your values and purpose.
  • Spend time in nature and allow yourself to be present in the moment.
  • Practice meditation or another form of spiritual practice to connect with the spirit world.

Remember that the art of intentional living is a journey, not a destination. It is about taking small steps each day to create a life that is more meaningful and fulfilling.

Separatism in Ethnic Groups: Causes and Solutions from an Existentialist Perspective

Separatism refers to the desire of an ethnic group to secede from a larger political entity and establish its own independent state. Existentialism is a philosophical movement that emphasizes the individual’s freedom and responsibility to create their own meaning in life.

Separatism in Ethnic Groups

From an existentialist perspective, separatism can be seen as a way for ethnic groups to assert their identity and create a sense of community. Existentialists believe that every individual is unique and should not be forced to conform to the expectations of others. This can lead to a sense of alienation and isolation, which can sometimes lead to separatism.

There are several causes of separatism in ethnic groups. Some of the most common causes include:

  • The search for identity: Ethnic groups that have been marginalized or oppressed often experience a sense of identity crisis. Separatism can be a way for them to assert their identity and establish a sense of community.
  • The desire for self-determination: Every individual has the right to self-determination, and this includes the right to choose their own path in life. Separatism can be a way for ethnic groups to exercise their right to self-determination and establish their own political and cultural institutions.
  • The fear of assimilation: Every individual is unique, and they should not be forced to assimilate into a larger culture that does not value their differences. Separatism can be a way for ethnic groups to preserve their unique culture and identity.

Achieving unity in ethnic groups is a complex and challenging task. However, it is an essential task if we are to create a more just and equitable world. The following are some important ways to achieve unity in ethnic groups:

  • Respect for diversity: Every individual has a unique experience, and we should respect and appreciate this diversity. We should be open to learning about different cultures and perspectives and be willing to challenge our own assumptions about the world.
  • Communication and understanding: Communication and understanding are crucial for achieving unity. We should be able to communicate our needs and desires to others and be willing to listen and understand the needs and desires of others.
  • Compromise: Compromise is often necessary to achieve unity. We should be willing to give up something to reach an agreement that is acceptable to everyone involved.
  • Acceptance of difference: We should accept that difference is a part of life. We cannot expect everyone to agree with us all the time. We should accept and respect the differences of others.

In summary, separatism in ethnic groups can be seen as a way for them to assert their identity and create a sense of community. However, achieving unity in ethnic groups is crucial for creating a more just and equitable world. By respecting diversity, communicating and understanding, compromising, and accepting differences, we can create a world where all people can live together in peace and harmony.

Now or Never: Embracing Existentialism in Your Everyday Life


Existentialism, a philosophical movement that emphasizes individual freedom, choice, and responsibility, offers profound insights for those seeking to lead more meaningful lives. In this article, we will explore practical applications of existentialist principles that you, as someone familiar with this philosophy, can integrate into your daily existence. By delving into these concepts, you can empower yourself to navigate life’s challenges more effectively and find deeper purpose and fulfilment.

Living Authentically

Existentialism invites you to embrace authenticity, urging you to live in alignment with your innermost values and convictions rather than conforming to societal norms. In everyday life, this means:

  • Honouring your truth: Reflect on your deepest beliefs and values, and strive to stay true to yourself in all aspects of your life.
  • Defying conformity: Break free from societal pressures and expectations that may stifle your authentic expression.
  • Embracing self-acceptance: Foster self-compassion and self-acceptance, empowering you to embrace your unique identity without judgment.

Taking Ownership of Your Choices

Existentialism celebrates the profound freedom you possess in shaping your own destiny. In daily life, this translates to:

  • Conscious decision-making: Reflect on the motivations behind your choices, ensuring they align with your core values and aspirations.
  • Bold exploration: Challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone, guiding yourself toward new experiences that promote self-discovery and growth.
  • Embracing consequences: Understand that every choice carries consequences, and it is your responsibility to face these consequences with courage and accountability.

Embracing Responsibility

Existentialism emphasizes the significance of personal responsibility in crafting a meaningful life. In your daily existence, you can:

  • Set purposeful goals: Identify meaningful objectives and develop practical plans for their achievement.
  • Acknowledge limitations: Recognize your boundaries and focus on areas you can influence, enabling you to make positive changes.
  • Cultivate accountability: Value admitting mistakes and using them as opportunities for personal growth rather than evading responsibility.

Discovering Meaning

Existentialism centres around the quest for meaning in a world that often appears indifferent. In your daily life, you can find meaning by:

  • Exploring passions and values: Identify activities and pursuits that resonate deeply with you, offering a sense of purpose and fulfilment.
  • Uncovering the extraordinary in the ordinary: Appreciate the beauty and significance inherent in everyday experiences, fostering a deeper connection with life’s moments.
  • Nurturing existential gratitude: Embrace the transient nature of existence and use this awareness to savour the present fully.

Fostering Authentic Connections

Existentialism underscores the importance of authentic, genuine relationships with others. In your journey, you can build and maintain meaningful connections by:

  • Encouraging vulnerability: Open up to others and express your true self within your relationships.
  • Promoting open communication: Advocate for honest and direct communication, enabling you to connect profoundly with others.
  • Cultivating community: Seek or create communities that align with your values, providing a sense of belonging and authentic connection.


Existentialism offers profound insights and practical guidance for those navigating life’s complexities. By embodying authenticity, embracing your freedom and responsibility, and discovering meaning in your everyday life, you can lead a more purposeful existence, connect authentically with others, and face life’s challenges with resilience and courage. Remember that self-discovery and authenticity are ongoing, and living in the present moment is always the key to a more meaningful existence. It’s now or never to embrace the existentialist principles that can transform your life.

Examining the reasons for the subsidence of street protests in Iran from the point of view of existential philosophy

In 2021, protests erupted in Iran due to several factors, including political, economic, and existential reasons. Dr Aref Rezazadeh explores the role of existential philosophy in these protests and its potential impact on the future.

Existentialists believe that the awareness of death is a fundamental aspect of the human condition, which can lead to fear and anxiety. This fear may have caused some individuals to withdraw from protests due to the potential threat of violence or imprisonment by the government. Additionally, the lack of hope for change and the belief that their efforts would be futile contributed to the fading of street protests.

Furthermore, existentialists argue that individuals have the freedom to create meaning in life despite the challenges posed by suffering and injustice. However, the pain and suffering inflicted on protesters may have caused some to avoid further harm and stop protesting altogether.

Other factors that contributed to the reduction of protests include the government’s use of violence and intimidation, the lack of unity among protesters, and the economic struggles faced by many Iranians.

It is important to note that although protests have decreased, smaller demonstrations have continued over the past few months and may increase in scale in the future. Ultimately, changes in Iran’s existential landscape may have contributed to the reduction of protests, but the complex nature of this phenomenon requires further exploration.