Eating Disorder

As a therapist, when using the existential approach to help clients with eating disorders, I may follow these strategies:

It's important to note that eating disorders are complex and require a multi-dimensional approach to treatment. Therefore, I may integrate elements of other therapeutic modalities, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) or family therapy, depending on the individual's specific needs and circumstances. Additionally, I always ensure a collaborative and client-centred approach to ensure the treatment plan aligns with the client's values and goals.
  1. Exploration of Meaning and Purpose: I help clients explore their beliefs and values about body image, self-worth, and the purpose of life. This exploration can help clients deal with underlying existential questions regarding their identity and the importance of their actions, leading to insights into the deeper issues causing their eating disorder.
  2. Encouraging Responsibility and Agency: I emphasize personal responsibility and empowerment, encouraging clients to take responsibility for their choices and actions. This can help them feel more in control of their behaviours related to food and body image.
  3. Addressing Existential Anxiety: Existential anxiety is the distress that arises from confronting the uncertainties and challenges of existence. I help clients confront their fears and anxieties regarding body image, eating, and self-acceptance. This process may involve acknowledging the fear of mortality or the fear of not being “enough” in some way.
  4. Emphasis on Authenticity: I promote authenticity and genuineness, encouraging clients to be true to themselves and their feelings. This may involve exploring how the eating disorder has been used as a coping mechanism to hide or mask underlying emotional struggles.
  5. Focus on the Here and Now: I often concentrate on the present moment and the immediate experience. Clients are encouraged to explore their feelings and thoughts as they arise in the therapy session, gaining insight into their emotional patterns and coping strategies.
  6. Encouraging Creative Expression: I may use creative and expressive techniques, such as art, writing, or role-playing, to help clients explore their emotions and inner struggles in a non-conventional way.
  7. Developing a Sense of Meaning: I work with clients to discover or create a sense of meaning and purpose in life. This process can give clients a more profound reason to care for their bodies and overall well-being.

It’s important to note that eating disorders are complex and require a multi-dimensional approach to treatment. Therefore, I may integrate elements of other therapeutic modalities, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) or family therapy, depending on the individual’s specific needs and circumstances. Additionally, I always ensure a collaborative and client-centred approach to ensure the treatment plan aligns with the client’s values and goals.