A letter to my son

Little adventurer, happy birthday

As you begin another year of your life, I remember how curious, flexible, and curious you have always been. As you navigate the wild jungle of adolescence, I want to share some insights that lie at the heart of the human experience—the four principles of human existence.

The first principle is the essence of being human – the freedom to choose our path. This freedom is both liberating and scary, but it makes us unique. It is your choice to immerse yourself in life experiences, learn from your mistakes, and shape your destiny.

My son, with freedom comes responsibility. Every decision and every action has its consequences. We are responsible for our words, actions, and ultimately our happiness. Remember that you have the power to change your life and the lives of others. Accept that responsibility with courage and honesty.

My dear, life is not a random series of events; The masterpiece is woven with meaning. We create meaning through our experiences, connections, and contributions to the world. By exploring your passion, values, and purpose, you will find the unique meaning that shapes your being.

My hero, the transience of life is a stark reminder of our precious time. Although this may sound scary, it also acts as a catalyst for living fully and authentically. Embrace the moment, cherish the relationships that matter, and pursue your dreams with unrelenting passion.

Parsa, these four principles are philosophical reflections and the foundation of human experience. Accept them and begin your journey to self-discovery, purpose, and meaningful relationships.

Happy birthday my wonderful child. Shine your light on the world and never forget that you are wonderful.

With great love,
Your father and existential guide

An overview of shamanism and the views of some cognitive scientists about it

Shamanism, also known as shamanism, refers to a traditional belief system among certain ethnic groups that has existed since prehistoric times and is found in various cultures. Shamans are spiritual elders who practice shamanistic traditions and believe that they can communicate with the spirits to help diagnose and cure illnesses or cause suffering. They can also predict the future. The word “shaman” originally means “wise” and comes from the Siberian Tonguzi language.

Shamanism is the oldest human tradition for medicine and treatment, emerging about 25,000 years ago in the Paleolithic era among hunter-gatherers in Siberia and Central Asia. It is present among various peoples, including Eskimos, Indians, African tribes, Turkic, and Mongolian peoples. Shamanic traditions are also one of the sources and foundations of Tibetan Buddhism.

To achieve a trance state, shamans use various methods such as dance, repetitive movements, self-suggestion, focusing on a repetitive rhythm, and taking psychedelic drugs. There are two major frameworks among cognitive and evolutionary scientists to explain shamanism. The first is the “neurotheological theory,” which posits that shamanism develops in human societies because it provides valuable benefits to the practitioner, their group, and individual clients. The second is the “subliminal” or “mental” model of shamanism, which suggests that shamanism is a cultural technology that adapts our psychological biases to convince us that an expert can influence important but uncontrollable outcomes.

Shamanism and existential philosophy are two distinct but complementary approaches to understanding and transforming the human experience. While shamanism involves traveling to the spirit world for healing, gaining knowledge, and helping others, existential philosophy emphasizes the individual’s responsibility to create meaning in life. The integrative approach of shamanism and existential philosophy combines the spiritual insight of shamanism with the individualistic approach of existential philosophy.

Gambling Addiction from the Existential Perspective


Existential therapy, a branch of humanistic psychology, emphasizes the search for meaning and purpose in a person’s life. It focuses on the challenges of freedom, responsibility, isolation, and meaninglessness. From this perspective, gambling addiction can be seen as an attempt to cope with these existential anxieties and fill the void in a person’s life.

The Anxiety of Freedom and Responsibility

Gambling offers the illusion of control and predictability in a world that is often seen as unpredictable and uncontrollable. By placing bets and making predictions, people may experience a temporary sense of mastery over their lives. This can be especially appealing for those who are struggling with feelings of helplessness and lack of control in other areas of their lives.

In existential therapy, the concept of “anxiety of freedom and responsibility” refers to the inherent fear that arises from awareness of one’s independence and the burden of choices that come with it. This anxiety arises from the realization that we are ultimately responsible for our lives, our actions, and the consequences thereof. This inherent freedom, while liberating, can be simultaneously overwhelming, as it confronts us with a range of possibilities and the difficult task of making meaningful decisions.

Existential therapists view this anxiety as a natural and inevitable aspect of human existence. It is not a sign of illness but rather a reflection of the human condition, a constant reminder of our power to shape our lives. However, when this anxiety becomes excessive, it can lead to maladaptive behaviors such as avoidance, escape, or addiction.

In the context of gambling addiction, anxiety about freedom and responsibility can manifest in several ways. For example, people may turn to gambling to escape from feeling overwhelmed by their choices and the burden of responsibility. The excitement of gambling, the momentary rush of excitement from winning, and the illusion of control can provide temporary relief from these anxieties. However, this escape is short-lived and destructive, as it reinforces the underlying anxiety and impedes the person’s ability to make responsible decisions.

Existential therapists address the anxiety of freedom and responsibility by helping people develop a sense of self-acceptance and authenticity. This includes embracing the inherent anxiety of choice and responsibility while also becoming aware of the capacity for growth and personal transformation. Therapists encourage clients to engage in self-exploration, exploration of values, and making decisions that are aligned with their authentic selves.

By helping people confront their anxiety and accept their freedom, existential therapists empower them to take responsibility for their lives and make decisions that lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.

Existential Isolation and Loneliness

Gambling can provide a temporary sense of belonging and connection for people who are feeling lonely or isolated, especially for those who do not have strong social networks. The exciting and supportive atmosphere in casinos, online betting forums, or social gambling groups can be appealing for people who lack strong social support. However, this false sense of belonging can ultimately exacerbate feelings of loneliness and isolation after the gambling activity is over.

Existential isolation refers to the inherent aloneness of human existence, the realization that each individual is ultimately alone in their experiences and interpretations of the world. This sense of loneliness arises from the fundamental reality that we cannot fully understand or share the experiences of others. Our subjective experiences are unique, and shaped by our individual perspectives, beliefs, and emotions.

Existential isolation, while a universal human experience, can be exacerbated when people feel disconnected from others or struggle to find meaning and purpose in their lives. This can lead to feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and a sense of being lost in the world.

Existential isolation can play a role in gambling addiction in a number of ways. Initially, gambling can serve as a way to cope with feelings of loneliness and isolation. People may turn to gambling to find a sense of belonging and acceptance. The exciting and supportive atmosphere in casinos, online betting forums, or social gambling groups can be appealing to people who lack strong social support. However, this false sense of belonging can ultimately exacerbate feelings of loneliness and isolation after the gambling activity is over.

On the other hand, gambling addiction can contribute to feelings of existential isolation. Gambling can alienate a person from others and the world around them. People who are addicted to gambling may spend a great deal of time gambling and withdraw from other activities that could connect them with others. This can lead to feelings of further isolation and disconnection.

Existential therapists address existential isolation in gambling addiction in some ways.

Creating a sense of belonging and acceptance in the therapeutic environment is one of these methods. Existential therapists strive to create a safe and supportive space where people who are addicted to gambling can experience a sense of belonging and acceptance. This can be done through group activities, individual conversations, or other methods.

Helping people to identify and develop meaningful relationships is another way that existential therapists help people to create meaningful relationships with